Conducting Impact Evaluation In Initiatives Supporting Youth Employment

Author: Monika Bartosiewicz-Niziołek, Polish Evaluation Society and the Jerzy Regulski Foundation in Support of Local Democracy, Warsaw, Poland ( Persons with various experiences in evaluation can understand the term “impact evaluation” in different ways. This article presents an explanation of “impact” in reference to the Logical Framework Matrix, evaluation criteria, and causality. Then, various designs of impact evaluation are…

YOUTH IMPACT Research Excellence Programme Czechia – 2nd round

Hledáme výzkumníky a výzkumnice ze státních i soukromých organizací, univerzit a neziskových organizací.  V současné době vypisujeme výběrové řízení na získání grantu z programu Excelence v rámci projektu Youth Impact.  Základní předpoklady vhodného kandidáta a kandidátky do programu Excelence: minimální bakalářské vzdělání zkušenosti se sběrem dat (kvalitativních, kvantitativních) a evaluací zájem o evaluaci dopadu Hlavní úkol programu: předložit návrh studie analyzující dopady intervencí v…

Vocational education and training in Poland

by FRDL Vocational education and training (VET) responds to the needs of the economy, providing people with skills useful for their personal development and active citizenship. It also plays a crucial role in development and employability, as VET allows students to gain practical experience and to avoid the struggle of losing confidence or feeling unsure…

Trendy vo vzdelávaní o hodnotení dopadu

Author: Mária Petríková Abstract in English Nowadays, we have the possibility to get information through many innovative tools such as the Internet, PC, mobile phones, tablets, etc. Education has not escaped innovation. It is extremely important that innovation in education is able to keep pace with the developments of our times and the rapid pace…

Research Excellence Grant Recipients from POLAND

Youth Impact presents Polish researchers selected for support from the Research Excellence Programme by Fundacja Rozwoju Demokracji Lokalnej: Izabela Gawęcka is an expert on culture management. Izabela will conduct evaluation of the Polish Red Cross project focusing on activation and organization of the path of acquiring and improving social skills by young people up to…