Selected sources used in our media content and in our publications:

  Youth (Un)Employment In Europe: Our Culture and Biases Could Be One Of The Primary Obstacles (EN)

How could our culture and our – often unconscious – biases influence in the trust of young people in the state and their motivation to enter state-regulated labour markets?

  YOUTH IMPACT Report on Existing Evaluation Standards and Practices in Czechia, Poland and Slovakia (EN)

The reports contain description of the initial situation of youth (un)employment in each YOUTH IMPACT country, it maps national youth employment and entrepreneurship actions and their evaluation standards and impact evaluation standards of YEEAs.

  YOUTH IMPACT Articles: Articles mapping (un)employment context in Czechia, Poland, and Slovakia (EN)

Different articles created by YOUTH IMPACT project teams about (un)employment of young people across Europe (CZ/PL/SK).


Mapování a popis hlavních bariér a výzev, které se objevují v ekosystému sociálních inovací v České republice.

  SOCIAL REPORTING STANDARD – Guide to results-based reporting (EN)

A guide to social reporting standarts created in cooperation of German NGOs, private companies, universities and the Ministry For Family, Seniors, Women and Youth.

  Impact Academy Library (CZ/EN)

Knihovna obsahuje téměř vše, co jste chtěli vědět o orientaci na dopad, ale báli jste se zeptat. Nástroje, příručky, publikace, články a videa z ČR i zahraničí. Zkrátka studna inspirativních materiálů./ This library contains different materials about impact, impact evaluation and other inspiring sources in different formats.

  Better Evalution portal (EN)

On-line platform offering a wide range of resources about evaluation.

  Youth Employment Magazine (EN)

A platform of YOUTH EMPLOYMENT FUND of EEA and Norway Grants for sharing the results and updates of the projects supported by the Fund to showcase the main achievements of implemented activities.

Checkoway, B., Richards-Schuster, K. Participatory evaluation with young people, School of Social Work University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

Davies, R., Dart, J. (2005) The Most Significant Change (MSC) Technique: A Guide to Its Use.

Goodrick, D. (2014) Comparative Case Studies, Methodological Briefs: Impact Evaluation 9, UNICEF Office of Research, Florence.

ILO (2018) Guide on Measuring Decent Jobs for Youth – Monitoring, evaluation and learning in labour market programmes. ILO, Geneva.

Irene, G, (2014) Participatory Approaches. Methodological Briefs Impact Evaluation 5, UNICEF Office of Research, Florence.

Kellogg Foundation (2004) Logic Model,

Kloosterman, P., Giebel, K., Senyuva, O., (2007) T-Kit 10: Educational Evaluation in Youth Work, Council of Europe Publishing,

Peersman, G. (2014). Overview: Data Collection and Analysis Methods in Impact Evaluation, Methodological Briefs: Impact Evaluation 10, UNICEF Office of Research, Florence.

Rogers, P. (2014) Theory of Change. Methodological Briefs Impact Evaluation 2. UNICEF Office of Research, Florence.

Rogers, P. (2014) Overview: Strategies for Causal Attribution. Methodological Briefs Impact Evaluation 6, UNICEF Office of Research, Florence.

Rogers, P. (2014) Overview of Impact Evaluation, Methodological Briefs: Impact Evaluation 1, UNICEF Office of Research, Florence.

White, H., & S. Sabarwal (2014). Quasi-experimental Design and Methods, Methodological Briefs: Impact Evaluation 8, UNICEF Office of Research, Florence.